So with our AT&T Uverse cable we get tons of channels that never get watched. But today as I was flipping through the guide when I saw a show titled something like Christian Camp for Gays. It was on the LOGO network. Which apparently is a gay and lesbian cable station. But out of curiosity I decided to watch. What I found was very interesting. It was exactly what it said. It was a small Christian camp for teens who are gay and "Christians." This is something that I find myself having lots of personal belief battles over. Is it possible to be a Christian and gay? Its possible for me to be a Christian yet still struggle with all kinds of sin. So when does it become impossible for someone who is gay to be a Christian? After all, it is sin just the same. Obviously though, when your lifestyle revolves around it I think that is where the line is drawn. But I was torn when i watched this show today. Torn both by seeing the pain they have experienced from the church as well as lack of biblical foundation they were receiving. They had gay pastors there who were the staff and one told the story of how he had recently been ordained in the Lutheran Church. I think what is hardest for me is that I want them to be right. I wish that i felt it was possible for someone to be a practicing homosexual and still be saved. But it just goes against what i believe about God's views. Hearing the teens talk about how they wanted families and kids with their "partners" and all I could think of was God created man and woman to be husband and wife.
This is a battle that is growing closer and closer to home. I say that because of the direction the Presbyterian Church (PCUSA). It is currently in a battle of whether to allow homosexuals to be pastors. I'm thankful that the church I am in does not believe this should happen, but its scary to think that the denomination is going in that direction.
As I continue to deal with this issue I know that I am going to run into opposition in whatever I believe. But what I know for sure is that we are all children of God. All called to love one another without any stipulations. I need forgiveness all the time for the things I do, and for the way I think. The teens in this show today talked about how they felt unloved by the church for their sexuality. My problem is I don't know how to tell someone that God loves them, but doesn't want them to live the way they feel they were made to live. You understand what i am saying? Anyway, this post is getting long and kind of just going in circles. But this is something that has been on my mind a lot lately and I know it will be something I have to continue to think about. Let me know if you have any thoughts...