Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Faking it.

I haven't blogged in a while. Boo on me. There, thats over.
My "new experiences" thing was a good idea. But a bit hard to keep up with. Especially when I didn't really care about writing. So that that covers that. Maybe I'll try again some other time.
As I thought about this whole blog thing again, I started to question what my motivation is, or what anyone's motivation is for writing a blog. Is it so people hear us? Is it just a diary that we allow people to read? And I writing to help someone, change something, bring about a new revelation to the reader, or maybe just show off a bit? People blog for all sorts of reasons, all of which are valid because its a free country and you can do what you want. But recently my life has been a bit of a whirlwind, and my faith, my beliefs, what I thought I knew but maybe don't, all these things have been challenged lately. Which I think is a good thing, because it is getting me to ask questions of myself. Do a bit of soul searching. So as I said before, blogs are for whatever you want them to be, so instead of what i have done in the past, which would lean more towards the, look at me, this is what I am doing, sort of blog. I am going to start writing about the real stuff that is on my heart. Things that people may or may not what to hear/read. I am tired of faking it. Pretending that I'm happy with things the way they are. I have been challenged lately to start being real. It sounds like a cliche' but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how we all fake it, at least part of the time. How would the world change if we stopped asking and answering the question "how are you?" as a form of hello? What if I decided to express myself when something was happening that I didn't approve of instead of sitting silent? How many of us really honestly speak our mind? We are so scared of how we will be perceived, how people will view us. We keep secrets about our lives because we are scared of what people will think. And in turn we do the world a disservice because we try and look like we have it all together, and those who don't have something wrong with them. This scenario spills over to so many areas in life. Our Jobs, churches, friends, family, society, activities, personal lives... I for one am ready to at least start making steps towards authentic reality. I encourage those of you who read this to examine your own lives and see how real you are being. Are there things you keep hidden, that you try and do, that just aren't very authentic? Can we stop these things or is it part of life we have to deal with. I for one, think that if we start being real about who we are, and doing the things that really matter to us, then we have a chance to at least make the world around us a better place. So this is the start of something real.

1 comment:

abby! said...

Awesome. I like this. A lot. And I love you. A lot.